3 simple steps to ensure a smooth Open Enrollment

College basketball/coach John Wooden said, “Confidence comes from being prepared.” We’re serving up a big helping of “You’ve got this!” as Open Enrollment (OE) kicks into gear with our fool-proof, 3-step benefits plan for a smooth OE. Let’s get started.


Step 1: Verify your info

If you haven’t logged in to your My TotalSource® profile in a while, it’s best to verify your name; work email; home address and Social Security Number are correct, for a few reasons:

– This info is at the center of the enrollment experience we prepare for you each year.

– It’s also shared with insurance companies to create your profiles, identify dependents, etc.

– Outdated or incorrect information is a top reason employees have a bumpy enrollment experience.

If you recently moved, changed your last name or wanna check for typos, take 1-2 minutes to log on to MyTotalSource.com and verify your info is correct. You’ll save yourself time, unnecessary phone calls and frustration that could arise if things aren’t right.


Step 2: Use resources to study up / prepare

OE is smoother when you have a game plan. Get familiar with these resources as you prepare to make your selections.

MyLife (the website you’re on right now). This place has more self-service content around common benefits topics than you can shake a stick at, like a benefits breakdown and busting common OE myths.

– Personal enrollment videos. They’ll go out to the email you loaded in My TotalSource.com. They’re the best way to review last year’s elections and what’s new this year.

– Carrier websites. These sites have cost estimator tools and other resources to help you decide if they’re right for you. Planning to change carriers? You can find out if your fav doctor is in network.

– MyLife Advisors. You got this, but if you need a hand, this team provides help and real answers to lingering questions before, during and after OE. Call or email them at 800-554-1802 or MyLifeAdvisor@adp.com.


Step 3: Enroll when your window opens

Seems pretty straightforward, though there are a few things to remember:

– Your window to update plans and coverage is open for about 14 days.

– Miss it and you’ll have to experience an IRS-qualified life event (QLE), like birth or marriage, to make any changes outside OE.

– If you don’t do anything during the window, you’ll be auto-enrolled in a similar plan, which may not be a good fit for your budget or life.

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